Topic - Change

In Term 4 we are learning about CHANGE. 
Can you answer these questions?

What is change?
What does change have an impact on? How?
What makes up Planet Earth?
What determines our Seasons?
How can we categorise change?
What environmental impact does weather have over time?

Here is a link to a great website about Geography - Geography for kids


  1. The difference between a need and a want is that a want is something you can live withought and a need you cant live withought.
    The purpose of a house is to keep you sheltered and safe.
    The key features of my house are playing in my garden, sleeping in my bedroom, showering in my bath room,watching tv in the lounge, cooking in the kitchen. Features for the homes in nz are bathroom, bedrooms, kitchdn, lounges, gardens. Different types of houses are apartments, homes, bungalows, huts, slums, high rise flats, igloo,farm houses, lifestyle block, shack, castle, cottage, tent, caravan, bach,caves, shelters etc.
    The difference between these houses are the height, space available, structure, land space, size, neighbourhood, climate, altitude.
    By Freya :)

    1. You have really thought about these questions Freya. Well done! Mrs M

  2. I agree. Freya has written a really detailed comment and has thought carefully about the questions. Next time you should check your spelling before you publish the comment. By Teeshan.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You need to work on your spelling Zara! Ofcourse is not a word!

    By Olivia
